Section: New Software and Platforms


Library of Brian Neuron Models

Keywords: Spiking neural networks - Neurosciences - Numerical simulations

Functional Description

BrianModel is a library of neuron models and ionic currents for the BRIAN simulator. The purpose of BrianModel is to speed up simulation set-up and reduce code duplication across simulation scripts. Template neurons are defined by the ionic currents that flow through their membrane. Implemented templates include: Hodgkin-Huxley pyramidal neuron, Hodgkin-Huxley pyramidal neuron with CAN receptors, Hodgkin-Huxley fast-spiking inhibitory hippocampal. The current library is easily extensible by third-party users due to its hierarchical design. The template neurons and their currents are defined as YAML files, which are conveniently parsed by a Python library which acts as an interface to the BRIAN simulator API's.